INTERVIEW: An interview with Anna Mauranen

Document Type : Interview


Urmia University


Since 2005 Anna Mauranen has been professor of English at the University of Helsinki. As Vice-rector of the University, Anna is responsible for both international and societal relations, together with personnel policy. In her capacity as Professor of English, Mauranen is one of the University’s most internationally cited researchers. Over the last three decades Mauranen has made a strong showing among the elite of English-language researchers. She began work on her doctoral thesis at the age of forty, gaining her doctorate after three years, and then after a further three years took up the Chair of Translation Studies at the University of Eastern Finland. For the past fifteen years Mauranen has been fully engaged in research on English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). What comes below is an interview with her (AM) by the editor of IJLTR (KS) on Anna’s past and present academic life and responsibilities.