Designing an Integrated CALL Evaluation Tool via a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach to Teach EFL: The Case of Vadana

Document Type : Original Article


Department of English Language and Teaching, Abadan Branch, Islamic Azad University,Abadan, Iran



The evaluation of in-service teacher educators ' feedback on using Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) processes is important for providing educational policymakers with the strengths and weaknesses of the Vadana platform. It proposes an integrated CALL evaluation scale (ICES) eliciting the in-service teacher educators' literacy of using CALL in their classrooms. The researchers in the current study used an exploratory cross-sectional research design to analyze university teacher educators' perceptions of using CALL following the technology acceptance model (TAM). The participants were 230 university teacher educators who attended in-service courses during the 2023-4 academic year. A validated researcher-made questionnaire was used to design an evaluation tool including 15 factors of ICES. Data analysis revealed significant differences between male and female in-service teacher educators' perceptions regarding learning theories, designing e-materials/tasks, roles, and students’ (Ss) feedback. Moreover, there was a significant difference between Ph.D. and MA teachers' attitudes toward teaching/learning theories, digital literacy, CALL approaches, e-materials/tasks, roles, individual differences (IDs), feedback, and evaluation of the CALL process. Regression analysis showed that gender and educational levels are strong predictors of determining the significant correlations between the factors of ICES. Implications of the study suggest ICES can be implemented to evaluate in-service teachers' CALL programs in English as a foreign language (EFL) contexts.
