Development and Psychometrical Validation of a Computer-Assisted Language Learning Evaluation Scale: An Ecolinguistic Approach

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



From the complex dynamic systems theory perspective, evaluating CALL pedagogy involves miscellaneous variables. It seems the ecosystem of the CALL environment necessitates an array of extralinguistic (Ecolinguistically situated) issues to be considered in any appraisal of the CALL milieu. To this end, this paper aims to develop and validate a scale for CALL evaluation called the Ecolinguistics CALL Evaluation Scale (ECES). It enframes the complex processes of language use in CALL and technology mediation as facets of a complex adaptive system (CAS). The psychometric testing of a questionnaire was undertaken with 219 EFL academics to investigate the sociocultural, sociopolitical, and ideological values and norms within the CALL ecosystem, thereby representing the tripartite interaction of human beings, Ecolinguistics, and CALL. The model being probed included 14 components of ECES. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was run using LISREL Software (Ver. 8.80) to examine the trait structure of the ECES questionnaire. Results yielded that all items had significant contributions to their constructs, and their respective t-values all indicated that the contribution of items to their constructs was also statistically significant. This scale might equip a more streamlined method that is readily adaptable to a variety of contexts, stakeholders, and criteria.
