Publication Frequency: Three issues a year (two regular + one special)
Periodical Type: Academic, scholarly
Review Policy: Double blind review
Access: Open Access; Free of charge
Publication/Processing Fee: None
Article Acceptance Rate: Less than 10 percent
MSRT License Date and Number:
1396/03/13 - 52013/18/3
IJLTR is included in 2023 edition of Journal Citation Reports (JCR) with a JIF value of 1.7 as of June 2024
IJLTR is ranked Q2 in the JCR Category Education/Educational Research
SCOPUS 2023 Ranking: 90/1088 (TOP 9 %)
CiteScore: 3.8
IJLTR was ranked INTERNATIONAL by Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) in September 2020, and was selected as TOP JOURNAL in Humanities and Social Sciences in December 2020
IJLTR is the ONLY Language/Linguistics journal in the Middle East with Q1 ranking (TOP 15 %) in
Scimago SJR (2020 and 2021)
IJLTR is the ONLY Iranian journal in Humanities and Social Sciences with Q1 ranking (TOP 15 %) in Scimago SJR (2020 and 2021)
IJLTR no longer accepts email submissions. All submissions should be made online after registering in the system as Author. Click here to start online submission.
NOTE: Per MSRT's notice (dated 27/05/1397; no: 3/18/115927), IJLTR is published exclusively online since January 2019.
Call for papers:
IJLTR calls for unpublished original manuscripts to be considered for publication. The papers submitted to the Journal should not have already been published elsewhere except circulated as conference presentations, nor should they be submitted simultaneously to another journal. The Journal also publishes one Special Issue per year. CFP for Special Issues (which are guest edited by leading figures in the field) is found in About Journal page.
Potential book review contributors (with the experience of reviewing books for other journals) are advised to consult the list of books recently published by Cambridge University Press and Routledge at the following addresses and inform the Journal editor ( of the title they would like to review. Arrangements will then be made for the publisher to send a review copy to the reviewer's address.
JIF = 1.7 (Q2)
CiteScore = 3.8 (Q1)
SJR = 0.55 (Q1)
SCImago Ranking: 185/1266 [Top 14%]
Scopus 1st Quartile: Rank=90/1088 [Top 9%]

This journal is a member of COPE
(Committee on Publication Ethics)

All submissions to IJLTR are checked for potential plagiarism using iThenticate.